Sunday, August 29, 2010

Away We Go


- I think we might be fuck-ups.
- We're not fuck-ups.

Away We Go (2009), la última de Sam Mendes, recomendada por mi amigo Ale, es una invitación a reconocer que estamos perdidos en el mundo y que eso no necesariamente es algo tan malo, porque aún tenemos chance de explorar y encontrar un lugar que parezca nuestro, por 5 min, por la vida entera, qué importa. En este mundo que tan poco se parece a la versión sin nazis de la Novicia rebelde, un instante de felicidad auténtica vale mucho. Tal vez por eso después de Revolutionary Road (película que detesté), Sam baja la guardia y dice, relax, we're not fuck-ups.


Away We Go (2009), is Sam Mendes' last film and it was recommended by my friend Ale. The movie is an invitation to acknowledge that yes, we're pretty much lost in the world but, that is not necessarily a bad thing. That we still got the chance to explore and find a place that looks like home, for 5 min, for a lifetime, who cares. In this world that looks so little as the nazi-less version of The Sound of Music, just an instant of authentic happiness is worthy. Maybe that's why after Revolutionary Road (which I hate), Sam puts his guard down and said: relax, we're not fuck-ups.


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