Saturday, November 10, 2012

My No-Houses

Looking for a room in London is really hard work. Everybody can tell you about it, but experiencing is way different! It took me 5 exhausting weeks and a lot of walking to find a place to live. I visited more than 20 houses. Fortunately I think at the end I got the best one!

These are the houses/places/neighborhoods that for one reason or another I end up not living in. It's interesting -for me- to look back at these places and imagine if my life would be different and how. Today I woke up thinking of those futuribles, as they are called in Spanish, and wondering how the city looks today from the Olympic House flat, I decided to share part of my (im)possible stories with you ;)

Have a nice weekend everyone! x

1 comment:

Carlos said...

awesome set of photos! apartment hunting is always tough, but once you find the right place, you know exactly why you chose that!