Sunday, January 15, 2012


Outrance was the word of the day in my Dictionary App and since I couldn't come out with a title for this post I use it... an outrance resource? (did I use it correctly?).

I spend my weekend enjoying the last moments of my lazy week. Organized photos (the ones in the post are from lovely Brighton, I'll be posting more), went to the auto-cinema with some friends but without a car, read a little my new book, and now I'm watching the Golden Globes.

Was your weekend as lazy as mine?


Unknown said...

Los autocines eran un invento tan genial :(

Deberían olvidarse del 3D y revivir los autocines... con una etiqueta ecológica para no herir sensibilidades del nuevo milenio o algo

Ana said...

Este es fino. Es en los bosques de Palermo y ponen una gradita para la gente o puedes llevar tu mantita y sentarte en el piso :)