I was in holidays in Madrid. Before traveling I didn't get the chance of creating any expectations, there was no time. One day I was finishing my spring term and hours later I was already flying there.
Madrid surprised me and made me love it wholeheartedly almost immediately. Madrid's sky is deep blue, a blue I've never seen before in other skies. In Madrid is customary to dress your children alike to have a walk on Sundays. In Madrid groups of old ladies walk on the streets holding each others arms like little girls in school. Every street in Madrid is full of wonderful places to eat and drink. There's thousand of places and each and everyone looks welcoming. It would be tough for me to be thin and not become an alcoholic in Madrid. And the most important thing, Madrid is full of nice people, in this case: my friends. Being there felt like being home. Nothing can beat that sensation.
So, to compensate for the long long long time without posting anything in my beloved but forgotten blog, I will proceed to overload you with photos from Madrid. Hope you like them and have a nice Easter holiday! x