Friday, May 6, 2011

About books

Today I found two interesting things related to books. The first one is the work of illustrator Claudia Varosio, you should definitely check her Etsy Shop to see nice illustrations, like this one here, of several classic books and films. Even though there's kind of a boom about doing alternative posters for movies, she manage to not follow the same path that others, and her style stands out. I specially like the posters for E.T. and A Single Man.

My second discovery of the day was this site called The Browser, Writing Worth Reading, as they say. They have a section called Five Books, where people recommend their favorite five books in relation to an specific topic, can be Shakespeare, can be War, can be Poetry, or as it is in their latest post can be Inspiration, and the books were picked by Woody Allen. One of his picks was Catcher on the Rye, that reminded me of Claudia's poster and that's why I ended up writing this post.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Túlio said...

Increible que Woody puso en su lista un libro de un brasilero. "Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas" es un clasico realmente!